"Those who can make you believe absurdities can make you commit atrocities." --Voltaire

Tuesday, October 12, 2010

Which famous writer do you write like?

Check which famous writer you write like with this statistical analysis tool, which analyzes your word choice and writing style and compares them with those of the famous writers.

I Write Like


Anonymous said...

"Les peuples les plus civilisés sont aussi voisins de la barbarie que le fer le plus poli l'est de la rouille." - Antoine de Rivarol

Anonymous said...

"What a place to be in is an old library! It seems as though all the souls of all the writers, that have bequeathed their labours to these Bodleians, were reposing here, as in some dormitory, or middle state. I do not want to handle, to profane the leaves, their winding-sheets. I could as soon dislodge a shade. I seem to inhale learning, walking amid their foliage; and the odour of their old moth-scented coverings is fragrant as the first bloom of those sciential apples which grew amid the happy orchard."
-Charles Lamb, Oxford in the Vacation

Anonymous said...

"Man matures when he stops believing that politics solves his problems."
- Nicolás Gómez Dávila