"The feast of All Saints achieved great prominence in the ninth century, in the reign of the Byzantine Emperor, Leo VI 'the Wise' (886-911). His wife, the Empress Theophano (commemorated on December 16) lived a holy life. Her husband built a church, intending to dedicate it to her. When he was forbidden to do so, he decided to dedicate it to 'All Saints,' so that if his wife were one of the righteous, she would also be honored whenever the feast was celebrated. According to tradition, it was Leo who expanded the feast from a commemoration of All Martyrs to a general commemoration of All Saints, whether martyrs or not." from the Wikipedia entry for All Saints
(Leo the Wise, you may recall, was later invovled in the Tetragamy Controversy when he insisted, over the violent opposition of the Church, on taking a fourth wife, Zoe Carbopsina (who eventually bore him Constantine Porphyrogenitus, eventually emperor himself despite his irregular birth.) Morris Goldpepper, DDS
Do you have anything by Charles Fort? Does the library subscribe to the Fortean Times? -Morris Goldpepper
"The feast of All Saints achieved great prominence in the ninth century, in the reign of the Byzantine Emperor, Leo VI 'the Wise' (886-911). His wife, the Empress Theophano (commemorated on December 16) lived a holy life. Her husband built a church, intending to dedicate it to her. When he was forbidden to do so, he decided to dedicate it to 'All Saints,' so that if his wife were one of the righteous, she would also be honored whenever the feast was celebrated. According to tradition, it was Leo who expanded the feast from a commemoration of All Martyrs to a general commemoration of All Saints, whether martyrs or not." from the Wikipedia entry for All Saints
(Leo the Wise, you may recall, was later invovled in the Tetragamy Controversy when he insisted, over the violent opposition of the Church, on taking a fourth wife, Zoe Carbopsina (who eventually bore him Constantine Porphyrogenitus, eventually emperor himself despite his irregular birth.) Morris Goldpepper, DDS
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