New Harry Potter books have arrived in the library, including "The Half-Blood Prince." The library now has the complete set available to be checked out by anyone with a clear library record.
Remember that fiction books are in their own section and are arranged in alphabetical order according to the authors last name. Since Harry Potter is written by J.K.Rowlings, these books are with the "Rs," and the "call number" is FIC ROW.
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Vivamus quam. Vestibulum nec turpis. Etiam neque. Donec at sem fringilla pede vehicula ultrices. Morbi mauris. Ut aliquam, dolor vel pretium bibendum, felis arcu bibendum libero, hendrerit imperdiet turpis erat eu neque. Cras sem metus, aliquam id, gravida egestas, molestie vel, wisi. Cras ornare dictum nulla. Morbi felis. Suspendisse potenti. Cras faucibus adipiscing eros. Nullam scelerisque vulputate urna. Sed accumsan ligula eu risus. Nunc accumsan dui vel odio. Sed ultrices lorem et orci. Curabitur fringilla, quam vel tristique ultrices, mauris tortor congue nibh, ac consequat mi wisi vitae sapien.
Morris Goldpepper, DDS
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